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Poems with tag Landscapes
7. [I wandered lonely as a Cloud]William Wordsworth1807
A lane of Yellow led the eyeEmily Dickinson1890
AugustLizette Woodworth Reese1887
Evangeline, A Tale of AcadieHenry Wadsworth Longfellow1847
Fall Leaves FallEmily Brontë1922
GreenD. H. Lawrence1917
ImagesRichard Aldington1916
JanuaryHelen Hunt Jackson1886
Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tint...William Wordsworth1798
Maiden LaneLouise Morgan Sill1917
Merry AutumnPaul Laurence Dunbar1896
Morning on ShinnecockOlivia Ward Bush-Banks1899
Mount ShastaJohn Rollin Ridge1868
MutabilityPercy Bysshe Shelley1816
No!Thomas Hood1844
October HillsJohn Rollin Ridge1868
October-NovemberHart Crane1918
Pied BeautyGerard Manley Hopkins1918
PortentWilliam Carlos Williams1913
Prairie SpringWilla Cather1913
RenascenceEdna St. Vincent Millay1917
Snow SongFrank Dempster Sherman1897
Song for Lonely RoadsSherwood Anderson1918
Still LifeCarl Sandburg1918
SunriseLizette Woodworth Reese1887
The Boston Evening TranscriptT. S. Eliot1917
The Lake Isle of InnisfreeW. B. Yeats1890
The PastureRobert Frost1914
The ThawHenry David Thoreau1895
This Lime Tree Bower My PrisonSamuel Taylor Coleridge1797
Any corrections or public domain poems I should have here? Email me at poems (at) this domain.