Title | Author | Year |
7. [I wandered lonely as a Cloud] | William Wordsworth | 1807 |
A lane of Yellow led the eye | Emily Dickinson | 1890 |
August | Lizette Woodworth Reese | 1887 |
Evangeline, A Tale of Acadie | Henry Wadsworth Longfellow | 1847 |
Fall Leaves Fall | Emily Brontë | 1922 |
Green | D. H. Lawrence | 1917 |
Images | Richard Aldington | 1916 |
January | Helen Hunt Jackson | 1886 |
Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tint... | William Wordsworth | 1798 |
Maiden Lane | Louise Morgan Sill | 1917 |
Merry Autumn | Paul Laurence Dunbar | 1896 |
Morning on Shinnecock | Olivia Ward Bush-Banks | 1899 |
Mount Shasta | John Rollin Ridge | 1868 |
Mutability | Percy Bysshe Shelley | 1816 |
No! | Thomas Hood | 1844 |
October Hills | John Rollin Ridge | 1868 |
October-November | Hart Crane | 1918 |
Pied Beauty | Gerard Manley Hopkins | 1918 |
Portent | William Carlos Williams | 1913 |
Prairie Spring | Willa Cather | 1913 |
Renascence | Edna St. Vincent Millay | 1917 |
Snow Song | Frank Dempster Sherman | 1897 |
Song for Lonely Roads | Sherwood Anderson | 1918 |
Still Life | Carl Sandburg | 1918 |
Sunrise | Lizette Woodworth Reese | 1887 |
The Boston Evening Transcript | T. S. Eliot | 1917 |
The Lake Isle of Innisfree | W. B. Yeats | 1890 |
The Pasture | Robert Frost | 1914 |
The Thaw | Henry David Thoreau | 1895 |
This Lime Tree Bower My Prison | Samuel Taylor Coleridge | 1797 |