Title | Author | Year |
A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning | John Donne | 1633 |
Air and Angels | John Donne | 1633 |
Ascension | John Donne | 1610 |
At the round earth's imagined corners... | John Donne | 1633 |
Batter my heart, three person'd God (... | John Donne | 1633 |
Break of Day | John Donne | 1612 |
Death, be not proud (Holy Sonnet 10) | John Donne | 1633 |
Elegy V: His Picture | John Donne | 1896 |
Hymn to God, My God, in My Sickness | John Donne | 1623 |
I Am a Little World Made Cunningly (H... | John Donne | 1635 |
Lovers' Infiniteness | John Donne | 1633 |
Song: Sweetest love, I do not go | John Donne | 1633 |
The Anniversary | John Donne | 1633 |
The Apparition | John Donne | 1633 |
The Baite | John Donne | 1633 |
The Expiration | John Donne | 1896 |
The Good-Morrow | John Donne | 1633 |
The Sun Rising | John Donne | 1635 |
To His Mistress Going to Bed | John Donne | 1654 |
To Sir Henry Wotton | John Donne | 1625 |