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Poems with tag Breakups
A MemoryLola Ridge1918
After LoveSara Teasdale1917
Ashes of LifeEdna St. Vincent Millay1917
Bei HennefD. H. Lawrence1913
Donal OgIsabella Augusta, Lady Gregory1919
I shall forget you presently, my dear...Edna St. Vincent Millay1920
Morning at the WindowT. S. Eliot1917
RememberChristina Rossetti1862
The GiftSara Teasdale1907
The Sea of GlassEzra Pound1917
The Vampire Bride [I am come-I am come!]Henry Thomas Liddell1833
To EarthwardRobert Frost1916
When We Two PartedGeorge Gordon Byron1919
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