Title | Author | Year |
A Bird Song | Christina Rossetti | 1873 |
A Bird came down the Walk | Emily Dickinson | 1891 |
A Winter Blue Jay | Sara Teasdale | 1915 |
Chicken | Gertrude Stein | 1914 |
Evolution | John Banister Tabb | 1894 |
Gulls | William Carlos Williams | 1917 |
Hope is the thing with feathers | Emily Dickinson | 1890 |
In Flanders Fields | John McCrae | 1915 |
Interlude | Edith Sitwell | 1920 |
Ode to a Nightingale | John Keats | 1820 |
Song of the Owl | Henry Wadsworth Longfellow | 1856 |
Story II. The Oilman and his Parrot | Jalal al-Din Rumi | 1898 |
Summer in the South | Paul Laurence Dunbar | 1903 |
Swallows | Leonora Speyer | 1921 |
Sympathy | Paul Laurence Dunbar | 1899 |
The Darkling Thrush | Thomas Hardy | 1900 |
The Eagle | Alfred Lord Tennyson | 1851 |
The Linnet | Philip M. Raskin | 1917 |
The Nightingale | Sir Philip Sidney | 1613 |
The Oven-Bird | Robert Frost | 1916 |
The Raven | Edgar Allan Poe | 1849 |
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner | Samuel Taylor Coleridge | 1798 |
The Skaters | John Gould Fletcher | 1921 |
The Swan | John Gould Fletcher | 1921 |
The Swan | F. S. Flint | 1917 |
The Windhover | Gerard Manley Hopkins | 1918 |
The Year's Awakening | Thomas Hardy | 1914 |
The Yellow Bittern (An Bunnan Bui) | Cathal Bui Mac Giolla Gunna | 1913 |
To a Skylark | Percy Bysshe Shelley | 1820 |
To a Waterfowl | William Cullen Bryant | 1818 |
Translation | Anne Spencer | 1922 |
Wild Swans | Edna St. Vincent Millay | 1921 |
Winter | Walter de la Mare | 1906 |